On Tuesday, September 22, RIEDC presented Northeast Engineers with a grant and loan check for $250,000 for the construction of a 100kW wind turbine at the company’s global headquarters located in the Aquidneck Corporate Park in Middletown, RI.
Over 200 people were on hand to witness the presentation of the grant check and to see the new 150’ high turbine first hand. Northeast Engineers hosted the event for business associates, state and local politicians and corporate park neighbors to celebrate the completion of the wind turbine which is now spinning. October.
Northeast Engineers CEO Blake Henderson thanked the EDC and the many local businesses and contractors who helped with the project, emphasizing that this one project supported many local jobs and contributed to the new green economy in RI.
Other speakers included Fred Hashway, Director of Government Affairs, Policy and Innovation from the RIEDC, Don Troppoli, Chairman of the Newport County Chamber of Commerce, Richard Cambra, Vice Chairman, Middletown Council.
Northeast Engineers estimates that the new turbine will provide about 75% of the company’s electrical power needs and they have plans to add photo-voltaic solar panels to the building’s roof in the spring enabling them to reach their goal of being the first commercial building in RI to be completely off the grid.
Northeast Engineers and its divisions Northeast Engineers & Consultants and Sustainable Global Energy offer turn key wind and solar solutions for commercial applications including engineering, permitting, procurement, construction, installation and commissioning. They also help their clients find funding through federal and state grants for renewable energy projects. In addition, the company accepted a 2009 Innovation Award from the Providence Business News in the category of Energy & the Environment at Bryant University on September 23rd.