U.S. House speaker Nancy Pelosi stops by Northeast Engineers’s offices

Monday, July 13th, 2009

pelosi-visit-riSaturday July 11 – While visiting Rhode Island, Nancy Pelosi stopped by Northeast Engineers’s offices in Middletown with U.S. Reps. Patrick Kennedy and Jim Langevin, RI Senate President M. Teresa Paiva-Weed and other local politicians to discuss economic development and job creation as part of a tour of local companies organized by the Newport County Chamber of Commerce.

Pelosi and Northeast Engineers’s principals Blake Henderson and Eric Offenberg discussed the company’s transition to the renewable energy sector, and how it has helped Northeast Engineers retain and create jobs.

Pelosi also got a close-up look at the inside of a wind turbine tower which was delivered to Northeast Engineers on July 9 by Northern Power Systems of VT. The tower is part of the 100kW wind turbine which will be installed to power the Easton Pond Business Center and Northeast Engineers’s offices. The project received final approval from the Town of Middletown in June, and the turbine is expected to be operating by the fall.


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